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Social Skills (birth to three)

Birth - 6 months: startles to loud sounds, responds to voice and sound, turns head towards sound source, watches speaker's face when spoken to, discriminates between strangers and familiar people, stops crying when spoken to, varies responses to different family members, smiles when spoken to, has a social smile, uses babbling for gaining attention and expressing demand, establishes eye contact

6 - 12 months: responds to "no," responds to name and pats image and self in mirror, points to learn new vocabulary, tries to "talk" to listener, coos and squeals for attention, laughs when playing with objects, tries to communicate by actions and gestures, smiles at self in mirror, plays pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo games, copies simple actions of others, shouts to attract attention

1 - 2 years: follows simple directions, especially with a gestural cue, waves bye-bye, indicates wet pants, repeats actions that made someone laugh, engages in parallel play, pairs gestures with words to make wants known ("more" & "up"), imitates adult behaviors in play, refers to self by name, exhibits verbal turn-taking, protests by vocalizing "no," engages in simple pretend play such as talking on a telephone, says "bye" and other social words such as "hi," "thank you," and "please," talks to self during play, practices intonation, sometimes imitating an adult

2 - 3 years: watches other children and briefly joins in their play, participates in associative play, requests permission for items or activities, begins to use language for fantasies, jokes, and teasing, makes conversational repairs when listener does not understand, engages in longer dialogues, begins to play house, participates in simple group activities, defends own possessions, carries on "conversation" with self and dolls, engages in simple, make-believe activities, begins to control behavior verbally rather than just physically, holds up fingers to tell age, looks for missing toys, helps put things away

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